Friday, March 13, 2009

riffs on a wound being stitched together

I was going to write about something else-but it's too soon.

I feel lonely today, almost half in-half out of the world. A fair amount should be attributed to the epic Boston-like greyness of the sky on this Friday the 13th, another amount to the lack of sleep due to working when normal people should be sleeping, and the rest to that which i will not write in detail about yet.

If i'm honest, which i will not give guarantees toward, i feel nothing. I'm not sure if the nothing i feel is a symptom of the emptiness and the lack of something, if it is merely anesthesia and will soon wear off, or if it means that i am really ok, and should forget all about this crazy business of chasing after something that i honestly wasn't 100% sure about and had talked myself into in the first place.

I'm feeling better now, if only for the addition of the coffee, and the beginning of my breakfast being consumed(very thick, very salty smoked bacon, if you are curious), and breakfast always makes me feel better, especially on dark and dreary days when all the best things seem just a little out of grasp. Thank Jesus for bacon and eggs.

Saturday, March 07, 2009


I'm wearing Chacos today. That may not mean much to you, but for me, it means that a happier time of year is just around the corner. And maybe, just maybe, i can say goodbye to boots and socks and start working on my farmer's tan in earnest. But until then, i'm dreaming of blue skies and green grass and the crack of the bat. That's right, i'm talking about baseball.

Now, you might be thinking, "Yeah? I'm a fan of baseball too-I enjoy going to games and occasionally, i'll watch a game on ESPN on Sunday nights if i don't have anything else better to do."

If that's you...then i have you beat.

In the past two weeks, i've gone a little baseball crazy. I've bought a replica Boston Red Sox road jersey bearing the name of one Curt Schilling(ed. note: yes, i know that Schilling is no longer under contract for the Sox, but i feel that i needed to make that my first jersey in return for the "Bloody Sock Game"), purchased membership in the Red Sox Nation, joined three (holy crap...three) fantasy baseball leagues, worn my Red Sox hat every single day, and i'm currently (yes, right now) watching Dice-K pitch against Korea in the World Baseball Classic on MLB.TV online (which might be the absolute coolest $110 i've ever spent on anything), and i also bought tickets to go see the Sox at Fenway, and am thinking about adding three more Sox games in Baltimore and making it a baseball adventure, complete with random minor league games every day.

Let's just say that if you cut me...i might bleed out yarn. Or cork. other news...i bought a car on tuesday. More posts to come.
Creative Commons License by Andrew Vandergriff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.