Sunday, February 08, 2009


do we come to the table simply
because the food we once had
was good?

because we took naps
induced by the abundance
of carbohydrates?

why is it that we bend our backs
looking either up or down
for bread from heaven?

do we really have such a lack
of trust in our friends
to not look there?

or do we just not believe
that you have been here
the whole time?


Joe Collins said...

1. You are a total blog slacker. I thought you were gonna post every day but Thursday?
2. I can't BELIEVE you don't link to my blog. That's Busch. Busch league, sir.

Andy said...

thursday and sunday. get it right. and yes, i am a slacker. and it's not busch as in the beer, but bush as in crappy minor league baseball. a link is forthcoming to your blog, now that you're posting semi-regularly.

Joe Collins said...

I was speaking of Busch's racing league.



Anonymous said...

dude...19 days and no post? seriously?


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