Friday, December 26, 2008

meditation on isaiah 55

In case you didn't notice...i haven't posted in quite a long while. My apologies. This is the first post of a new series of meditations on Scripture.

why is it that i thirst?

is it for this coffee, or for something more?

what is this that i am hungry for?

steak? eggs? life? hope?

am i getting my money's worth here?

not my money necessarily, but my time?

we just had christmas...did we buy good things?

am i making good music? 

am i serving well? 

loving well?

am i even listening?

it's raining outside, and the grass is eating the bread of the earth and drinking your wine and your milk-and it's free-free from the palm of your hand.

it's raining outside, and we wear various fabrics and animal skins to protect us from the rain-and we grumble and moan-and you laugh.

you laugh at our silliness-at our foolishness.

and you weep.

you weep because our moans are not at our own foolishness-to chide us out of punching you in the face with our disrespect-but because our moans are at you-full of wrath for the inconvenience you have caused us.

oh that we would seek you!

oh that we would be found in you!

oh that we would hide ourselves in the palm of your hand!

oh that we would listen to your words-that they would sprout back forth from our hearts-30 fold-60 fold-100 fold!

oh that we would start putting our money where our mouth is-and worship you in obedience!

then we would find peace.

not our pitiful, putrid peace that shrivels and shrinks from the first challenge-but your easy, everlasting peace that stands firm like an oak no matter how the winds may buffet.

then we would be able to smile at each other.

laugh freely.

know each other without the fear of judgement.

then joy would find its meaning in the interaction of the sons and daughters of Jesus.

come, Lord Jesus.


1 comment:

Joe Collins said...

nothing like a little lectio divine to get the blood pumping, eh?

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